Why You Should Open a Managed Account With Us

A managed account is an investment choice accessible to companies, budgetary foundations, governments, and people that desire money related bearing but do not have the specialized ability to do so. Bitwise Asset Management Limited has the perfect policy implemented to guarantee effective running of a managed account. We help you to assess your risks and benefits, including the maximum capability to expand anticipated additions. In synopsis, we accomplish the filthy work for you while offering you profits/benefit.Our individual managed accounts are personalized and tailored to meet individual customer needs. Each managed account is linked, financial adviser/expert who will be contact you at all times to update you on new market trends/happenings. We’re more than capable of helping you solve any financial issues you’re currently facing. Our well-trained assigned personnel is always on hand to outline your objectives, risk preferences, and investment restrictions.
Common financial problems people go through in life and why you should have a strong managed account with Bitwise Asset Management Limited

Muddling Through Needs

Regularly meeting essential expenses was the most common financial concern among the survey participants. More than one-third (35%) of the Money-Rates survey respondents said that paying regular financial obligations — bills, a mortgage or rent payment, credit card payments, etc. — was their biggest financial worry. With so many Americans living paycheck to paycheck, it's no surprise that people having trouble paying for these essentials. While some survey respondents worried about needs, others worried more about wants. Last year's survey results indicated that financial comfort was high on the priorities list, as three out of 10 (just over 30%) of those surveyed identified their single biggest financial worry as "ensuring I have enough to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

No Savings Plan

According to a Federal Reserve survey release from earlier this year, "Thirty-one percent of non-retired respondents reported having no retirement savings or pension, including 19% of those ages 55 to 64. With close to one-in-five of those near retirement having zero retirement savings, it's no wonder so many respondents (40%) cited a lack of savings as their biggest financial regret, and another 36% of people said they feared they would not be able to retire comfortably. On top of these individuals who regret not saving, there are also those individuals who are, for the most part, completely focused on the present. According to that same Federal Reserve release, 24% of people have given little thought to retirement planning and another 25% have given no thought to retirement planning at all.

Incurring Debt

If $10,000 fell out of the sky and into your lap, how would you use it? Around four in 10 (41%) of those who participated in the Money-Rates survey would pay down debt with that money. High amounts of debt is a large concern for many Americans. The debt is greater than what America produces in a whole year (debt-to-gross domestic product ratio). Last year's survey found that around one out of five people (20%) feel that accumulating too much debt is their biggest financial regret. The average household's credit card debt exceeds $7,000 - Nerd Wallet. In addition to this debt, many Americans also have to worry about mortgages, car loans, and of course student loans. Last year's Money-Rates survey also found that 8% of people feel that paying student loans is a big financial worry.

Financial Freedom

On the entirely opposite end of the spectrum, there is that handful of people out there who are completely money-conscious.
These individuals are financially healthy, they budget and plan where every penny is going to go, and their financial future is secure (as much as it can be). Nearly 12% of respondents from last year's survey said their biggest financial regret was being too cheap and not allowing themselves to enjoy their money.

A little over 10% of respondents said that if they could change only one thing about the way they handle money, they would enjoy their money and spend it a bit more freely. There’s no point making good money if you are going to live so frugally

Bad Financial Decision

Some American households are still feeling the sting of the recession. According to the Federal Reserve survey, "over 60% of respondents reported that their families were either 'doing okay' or 'living comfortably' financially; although one-fourth said that they were 'just getting by' financially and another 13% said they were struggling to do so. Even those who no longer feel the impact of the economic downturn still have to face the results of their own decision making. A large portion of the survey respondents (46% of men and 26% of women) acknowledge the impact of their financial decisions and wish to work towards making wiser investment or purchasing decisions.

The Benefits of Managed Accounts

Managed accounts are the investment vehicle of choice among many high net worth individuals seeking sophisticated investment solutions and direct ownership of securities in their accounts.

Setting up an account with Bitwise Asset Management Limited is relatively easy. Simply register, choose your plan, activate your investment plan and earn fulltime. We provide additional services such as comprehensive daily reports on your plans, summary of account activities, live chat with our customer care supports and frequent meetings to receive feedbacks.

Do Managed Account investors manage trades in their Database?

A Managed Account investor works closely with the financial professional managing their account. Many, however, elect to entrust the granular decision making to their account manager, under general limits and preferences.

Do Managed Account investors manage trades in their Database?

Yes it is. Unlike any other type of investment, Bitwise Asset Management Limited managed accounts carry no risk. The returns and portfolio value may increase but can never decrease from the expected amount. Gains are guaranteed, and monetary losses are not possible.

Tell Us Your Financial Problems, We Are Happy To Help You.

Putting together a sound investment strategy can make your investment efforts much more effective. But it doesn’t end there. Effective investing requires an ongoing effort. And there’s a lot more to know.

Here are some questions that arise at different stages of life:

"What’s the fastest way to amass enough money to buy a vacation home?"

Anthony and Selena - Have a growing family

"How do we shift our investments to generate more income?"

Dave and Christine - Retired

"How should my business affect my investment decisions?"

Rebecca - A single woman with a small business.

"The market’s been volatile; should I increase or decrease my stock holdings?"

Isaac - Online researcher

Answers will depend on each unique situation. Whatever might be the case we’re more than capable to draw up an investment plan that suits your financial issues.

Bitwise Asset Management Limited Financial Education

We have a flexible approach to investing that allows us to make investments in equity and convertible instruments that typically range between 2$ billion and 5$ billion. We focus on Forex and CFD trading, Cryptocurrency, Real Estate, Renewable Energy, Stocks and NFP. Our team of investment professionals globally is deeply connected across Bitwise Asset Management Limited Securities Division as well as Technology and Operations groups, enabling us to provide a competitive edge to businesses looking to:

  • Expand into financial services with a new product offering
  • Build innovative technology solutions that Bitwise Asset Management Limited can deploy
  • Engage in a deep, franchise-wide relationship with Bitwise Asset Management Limited
  • Position their offering to our clients

We actively invest across the following verticals:


We look to partner with companies who have:

  • Experienced and trustworthy management
  • Proven products that can demonstrate their value through a proof of concept
  • Scalable business models with defensible market position
  • Compelling value proposition that resonates with our domain experts

We take a long-term approach to the partnerships in which we engage, holding our investments for an average period of more than five years. We invest significant time and resources in our portfolio companies, providing management teams with access to the Bitwise Asset Management Limited relationships, and strategic network to accelerate value creation.

Our people are our greatest asset

At Bitwise Asset Management Limited, you’ll find passionate people from all walks of life working together to make the world a little better every day. Come work with us. Talented, intelligent and passionate people have made Bitwise Asset Management Limited the firm it is today. If you want to work with and learn from the best in the business, there’s no better place to start. Our Associates are the lifeblood of the firm, and our experienced Financial Advisors are the beating heart.

We say it often and with good reason. It is only with the determination and dedication of our people that we can serve our clients, generate long-term value for our shareholders and contribute to the broader public. Organizations with great business strategies won’t be able to execute them without the people, so at Bitwise Asset Management Limited managed, our leaders empower people to inspire creativity and thinking out-of-the-box to keep our promise to ‘Be The Best We Can Be’. We firmly believe that as we grow so can our people, personally and professionally, both in their present role and as their career evolves.

At the crux of our efforts is a focus on cultivating and sustaining a diverse work environment and workforce, which is critical to meeting the unique needs of our diverse client base and the communities in which we operate.

At every step of our employees’ careers we invest in them, and ensure their interests remain focused on the long term and closely aligned with those of our clients and shareholders. Our goals are to maximize individual potential, increase commercial effectiveness, reinforce the firm’s culture and expand our people’s professional opportunities.

Bitwise Asset Management Limited account management is built upon a structured investment process of continuous analysis and evaluation of existing and potential new holdings. Taking into account continuity and long-term perspective, working very hard to make to sure that the expected return for existing investments can be increased for prospective new investments. Bitwise Asset Management Limited also strives to take a distinct and active ownership role in order to increase the value of its clients.

Bitwise Asset Management Limited invests in platform with good return potential, where it can exercise active influence through a strong position of trust and ownership-based positions of influence. Bitwise Asset Management Limited’ investment criteria are to invest in companies with proven business models and clear potential for profitable growth. Investments must also have an attractive valuation and provide a good balance of risk and return.

Investment Advice

Your Bitwise Asset Management Limited managed account is an advisory investment account. Bitwise Asset Management Limited provides investment advice. Our interests as an investment platform is always the same as yours and that is to make sure we exceed your normal expected profit. Please ask us questions to make sure you understand your rights and our obligations to you, including the extent of our obligations to disclose conflicts of interest and to provide you with the service you expect.It is totally unacceptable to run multiple accounts. It is also against our operational ethics to consistently withdraw only bonuses without being an active investor. The benchmark is five (5) withdrawals per deposit and you would be required to deposit and invest a minimum of 50% of your periodic withdrawals. This is a move promote mutual benefit and prevent no investors from engaging in money laundering. Defaulters would be strictly penalized. PLEASE NOTE THAT we don’t charge for any commissions. Bitwise Asset Management Limited provides investment advice to customers under specific contracts. Various arrangements are available, including separately managed NFP accounts (NFP account requires $50000 minimum investment) Our Responsibilities to NFP investors are generally higher than normal managed account. . Bitwise Asset Management Limited obligation is to always put client interests first before ours.

Bitwise Asset Management Limited first and foremost objective is to create value by developing assets over the long term, by actively encouraging companies to make investments that drive organic growth and profitability and by providing support for their acquisitions. At the end of 2018, Bitwise Asset Management Limited announced its strategic orientation for 2019-2022. Continued value creation, based on:

  • Ambitious and attentive development of the companies of the Group
  • Diversified investments that capture long-term trends
  • The increased internationalization of our companies, teams and partners
Clear and quantified orientation
  • Bitwise Asset Management Limited could invest $2 billion total equity between 2019 and 2022, depending on markets conditions, in Europe, Africa and North America in companies exposed to
  • long-term trends. Part of this amount could derive from partners who share our investment philosophy, as we have done in the past
  • Building a portfolio of with around 30% ROI
  • Bitwise Asset Management Limited invest at least $2 billion in Forex and CFD trading, Cryptocurrency, and NFP equity per transaction in Europe, Asia, Australia and North America, $3 billion at least in Real Estate, Renewable Energy and Stocks in Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia yearly.
  • Double-digit average total shareholder return, with dividend increases year after year consistent with our TSR target, and with share buybacks regularly.

Investment profile

Bitwise Asset Management Limited invests for the long term as the majority or leading shareholder in mainly unlisted companies that are leaders in their markets, in order to boost their growth and development.

The Bitwise Asset Management Limited has an investment model chiefly focused on companies with a majority of the following characteristics:
  • Located in countries that are well known to Bitwise Asset Management Limited, based particularly in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia or new economies, with partners who already have a strong presence there.
  • Strong international exposure.
  • The increased internationalization of our companies, teams and partners
  • Led by highly-skilled management teams.
  • First or second in their market.
  • Operating in sectors with high barriers to entry.
  • Sound fundamentals and, in particular, recurrent and predictable cash flows.
  • Offering high potential for long-term profitable growth, both organically and through accretive acquisitions.
  • Significant exposure to markets undergoing rapid growth and/or major, long-term economic trends.
As a long-term Investor, Bitwise Asset Management Limited particularly favors certain circumstances, such as:
  • Control or joint control immediately or in phases
  • A need for a long-term, increase in ROI
  • Opportunities for further reinvestment over time to accompany organic growth.

Bitwise Asset Management Limited does not invest in sectors whose reputation would be detrimental to its image or values.

Keeping You Informed

Bitwise Asset Management Limited promises to deliver quality information that constantly meets clients expectations. We therefore provide you with an extensive communication tool comprising various complementary media in different formats.

Acquisitions by Group companies

Growth by acquisition is an integral part of the development model of Bitwise Asset Management Limited Our company plan to achieve a non-negligible share of their growth through acquisitions, focusing on small or medium-sized purchases, which create the most value. Investments’s teams assist Group companies in their search for accretive acquisitions, in deploying their external growth strategy and in arranging all needed finance.
