Discover the Bitwise Asset Management Limited difference

Bitwise Asset Management Limited’s people are empowered to innovate and invest for a better future.

We bring specialist, global expertise in areas such as infrastructure, cryptocurrency, stock and commodities. We focus on innovation, careful risk management and delivering sustained long-term value for our clients, partners, investors, staff and the broader communities in which we operate.

Bitwise Asset Management is duly incorporated under the laws of the state of Delaware.

Organisation structure

Bitwise Asset Management Limited has a non-hierarchical organisational structure, split into four operating groups. The Executive Committee manages the organisation as a whole and comprises the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Operating Officer, CEO of Bitwise Asset Management Limited and heads of Bitwise Asset Management operating groups.

Individual businesses operate within Bitwise Asset Management Limited operating groups. These businesses work closely together, specialising in defined products or markets.

Within overall guidelines and a strong risk management framework, the operating groups have substantial discretion in the way they manage their business activities. Great emphasis is placed on a client's relationship with Bitwise Asset Management and Business Limited as a whole.

Four service groups provide the framework, infrastructure and support that the operating groups require to manage their business. These are the Corporate Operations, Financial Management, Legal and Governance, and Risk Management Groups.

Central service groups

Corporate Operations Group comprises the following divisions:

Corporate Strategy and Solutions provides advice and expertise to Strategic Investment Management and Business Advice Limited and its related entities. It helps them achieve growth and operational effectiveness, and facilitates Bitwise Asset Management Limited annual corporate strategy process.
Business Services Division is responsible for the strategic direction, implementation and ongoing management of Bitwise Asset Management Limited's workplaces, business resilience and sourcing and vendor management.
Digital Transformation and Data partners with divisions and groups to deliver digital solutions whilst future skilling employees with capabilities such as data analytics, innovation and human-centred design.
Human Resources supports Bitwise Asset Management Limited businesses by seeking to attract, recruit, reward and retain the best people. It provides global consulting and operational expertise across the organisation, aligned with business strategy.
The Bitwise Asset Management Limited Group Foundation is Bitwise Asset Management Limited chief philanthropic body. This team supports staff in their efforts to provide financial assistance, volunteering and skills sharing to not-for-profit organisations globally. Bitwise Asset Management Limited Sports and the Bitwise Asset Management Limited Group Collection also form part of the Bitwise Asset Management Limited Group Foundation.
Operations is responsible for delivering critical operational trade support services to a wide range of products and businesses and the operational support of our global workforce encompassing payroll, on-boarding, mobility and service desk.
Technology provides business-aligned account management, software development and manages Strategic Investment Management and Business Advice Limited's enterprise-wide technology.

Risk Management Group

Risk Management Group (RMG), is an independent and centralised function responsible for independent and objective review and challenge, oversight, monitoring and reporting in relation to Bitwise Asset Management Limited material risks.

Credit Risk assesses, approves and monitors all material credit, asset and equity risk undertaken by Bitwise Asset Management Limited.
Market Risk quantifies and constrains Strategic Investment Management and Business Advice Limited’s exposure to adverse movements in market rates and volatility.
Regulatory Affairs & Aggregate Risk (RAAR) manages prudential, model and aggregate risk, empowering Bitwise Asset Management Limited to make better strategic decisions and shaping its current and future risk appetite.
Operational Risk & Governance supports risk governance and develops and maintains the Operational Risk Management framework in addition to risk specific frameworks to manage risk events or causes. Provides oversight, assurance, challenge and insights on Bitwise Asset Management Limited risk profile.
Compliance enables business management to fulfil their supervisory responsibilities by establishing an effective, robust, compliance framework.
Financial Crime Risk oversees, develops and maintains an Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing, Sanctions and Anti-Bribery and Corruption control framework through providing expertise on these risk types.
Behavioural Risk provides expertise, insights and review on risk culture, environmental and social risk, and work, health and safety.
Enterprise Support supports the effective and efficient operation of RMG by providing centralised services for strategy, data management, analytics, change, projects. Supports Group-wide risk training and risk surveillance.
Internal Audit provides independent and objective risk-based assurance on compliance with, and effectiveness of Bitwise Asset Management Limited financial and risk management framework.

Financial Management Group

The Financial Management Group (FMG) is focused on managing Bitwise Asset Management Limited Limited's funding and capital. It provides strategic capital, tax and financial analysis and advice to senior management to support the growth of Bitwise Asset Management and Business Limited’s businesses around the world. It ensures Bitwise Asset Management and Business Limited continues to meet its financial, regulatory and tax reporting compliance obligations in the jurisdictions in which Strategic Investment Management and Business Limited operates, and maintains relationships on behalf of the Group with a wide range of external stakeholders.

Finance Division supports Bitwise Asset Management Limited operating groups by providing financial management and control, regulatory reporting and business advisory services. In addition to centralised corporate functions such as Regulatory Reporting, Legal Entity Control and Tax Compliance, the division has dedicated business unit teams co-located with, and providing support to, each operating group. The Corporate Centre and Business Unit Finance teams are supported by Global Finance Services, which provides a cost-effective and scalable operating model for the division's service delivery.
Taxation Division provides taxation support to all areas of Bitwise Asset Management Limited, managing relationships with revenue authorities worldwide and ensuring compliance with taxation legislation.
Group Treasury is responsible for capital and funding, liquidity and interest rate risk management of Bitwise Asset Management Limited's balance sheet. It also manages Bitwise Asset Management Limited's liquid asset portfolio and is responsible for managing debt investor, rating agency and banking relationships.
Portfolio and Performance provides strategic analysis and advice to Bitwise Asset Management Limited's businesses and senior management. It supports operational and strategic decision making through performance reporting and forecasting, business advisory and corporate development to all areas of Strategic Investment Management and Business Advice Limited.
Corporate Affairs actively engages with a wide range of stakeholders to improve their understanding of Bitwise Asset Management Limited and Bitwise Asset Management and Business Limited’s understanding of their expectations. These stakeholders include governments, shareholders, investment analysts, media, staff and the wider community.
FMG Central team supports all FMG functions globally and has responsibility for data and transformation, projects and change, FMG communications and learning and development. The Central team also implements Bitwise Asset Management Limited operational risk management framework.

Legal and Governance Group

Legal and Governance Group (LGG) brings together Bitwise Asset Management Limited Limited Group’s global team of dedicated lawyers, governance professionals, and the technical specialists, management, legal operations, and administrative staff who work with them.

LGG incorporates five divisions, four aligned to the Bitwise Asset Management Limited Limited Group businesses and one central function, united under the Group General Counsel with a shared goal: to protect and represent the interests of Strategic Investment Management and Business Limited.

Operating as an independent function, LGG provides a full range of:

  • legal services, enabling commercial transactions, giving legal advice, and other legal services such as running litigation and investigations; and
  • governance services supporting the Bitwise Asset Management Limited boards and committees, its businesses, its subsidiary entities (and their directors) and a range of other corporate governance activities, including supporting the implementation of accountability regimes.

LGG is led by an experienced team of practising lawyers and governance professionals. The Head of LGG, the Group General Counsel, is a member of Bitwise Asset Management Limited Group Risk and Compliance Committee and reports directly to the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer.
