We offer clients specialist expertise, timely advice and flexible capital solutions to support them as they change and grow.

$164 billion

worth of transactions1

No. 1

Global Renewables Financial Adviser2


differentiated insights on companies globally3

Our areas of focus

We provide clients with access to the full spectrum of capital solutions, including equity, debt and access to private capital markets as well as principal investment from our own balance sheet.

We connect capital with opportunity for clients and partners, acting as advisor, underwriter, co-investor and lender and providing access to our global distribution capability.

We look beyond convention to realise greater possibilities for our clients globally. We advise on strategic and financial issues, taking a long-term partnership approach to understanding our clients’ businesses and identifying where the best opportunities for their growth and evolution may exist.

Our advice is reinforced by deep sector expertise, with a focus on infrastructure; green energy; technology, telecommunications & media; resources; real estate; industrials; healthcare; financial institutions consumer gaming & leisure services; and aerospace, defence & government services.

We bring a breadth of perspectives on the issues and trends that drive companies, industries and markets.

Our global network of more than 200 authors generate comprehensive insights across:

  • Equity Research: differentiated insights on 1,200+ Asia-Pacific listed companies and thematic sectors
  • Desk Strategy: market-leading views on the global economy and major markets in global economics, metals & bulk Commodity analysis and global FX and rates strategy
  • Sales & Trading Commentary: real-time insights from our sales and trading desks across metals & bulks, oil & gas, power & emissions, weather, commodity & equity indices

We work alongside business owners to provide bespoke support at each stage of their business lifecycle.

With deep sector expertise in professional services, real estate and strata, commercial broking, and healthcare, we bring a unique perspective beyond our tailored banking, payments, lending and asset finance products to ensure our clients have a better business banking experience.
